Solar farm
A modern day solar farm
Increasing demand for electricity
National Grid expects that peak demand for electricity will significantly increase due partly from switching to electric vehicles.
The Eco Hub concept is all-encompassing and sustainable.
The solar panels would generate up to 18 MW of electricity. That electricity generated each year would be equivalent to the electricity demand of approximately 5,000 average UK homes, that’s at least every property in Litlington and Bassingbourn.
The electricity generated at source will connect on-site to the local electricity network. Batteries will store electricity to manage the supply of power for the charging station and help the efficient operation of the National Grid by providing grid services.
Solar panels
The solar farm would comprise:
Solar modules installed on a simple metal framework mounted on piles driven into the ground.
The metal frames and piles are temporary structures and can be removed once the site is decommissioned in the future.
The panels would have a maximum height of up to 3.3 m (existing ground levels would be unaltered).
Approximately 50 inverters located across the site.
The battery storage facilities would comprise:
Up to three battery storage containers located adjacent to the electric vehicle charging station within a fenced compound for safety and security, and to screen the containers from view.
The batteries would meet recognised fire safety standards and would be fitted with automatic fire suppression technology.
Two switching stations (single storey height) and associated electrical equipment.
New hedge and tree planting to act as screening mitigation.